Saturday 14 December 2013

The One

I’ve always liked the concept of how there is “the one” out there for everyone out there in the world. You know what I mean, I’m talking about the one person that you’re suppose to end up with and have your own personal happily ever after with.

But idea of finding “the one” becomes almost improbably if not impossible when you realize there are billions of people who walk on this world and there is no way to achieve the daunting feat of knowing them, let alone meeting them all. That and the combination of experience of rejections and heartbreaks after thinking you found “the one” only to be proved otherwise causes you to lose faith in the whole idea. The sense of hopelessness sometimes kicks in when you no longer know what you’re suppose to be searching for and don’t know if you would realize it that you finally found that special person you been looking for all your life.

And after getting hurt and hurt over and over again on journey to find the one, and putting stereotypical remarks such as “All guys are jerks and all they want to do is have sex” and “All girls are sluts and all they want to do is use guys” as time goes by, most of us become cynical of love, and stop believing in it all together. We stop our search for the one and begin settling for anyone even if they hurt you, because we lose faith there is someone better out there for you.

But we should never give up on love no matter how hard it is to obtain. Love shouldn’t be easy to find, in fact it probably should be one of the most difficult things to get. If love and finding the one was easy, everyone on this earth would probably take it for granted and it would not be as special as it is now. Those moments of heartbreaks and getting hurt should not force us to give up, but rather they should make you appreciate what you have once you find the one. And when you finally find the one and fall in love, you’ll finally understand why all the other relationships didn’t work out and make all those tears shed worth it. So never stop your search for “the one”.


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